The 2023 Arts Awards of Waterloo Region took place at THE MUSEUM in downtown Kitchener, ON on November 16, 2023.
Artists and community members were welcomed from across the KW Region to celebrate our nominees and our arts community on a whole.

Photo by Bangishimo
The words I shared when I accepted the award (or at least pretty close too) - - - >
Ultimately, I attribute this to a collective effort - to all of the wonderful art groups and individuals that I’ve had the privilege to work with. All of my successes and joys are born out of collaboration.
There are so many thank yous, that I can’t possibly cover them all, if I don’t mention you, I’ll find you later!
I do need to highlight a few though:
Thank you to my partner Melissa and our daughters - you are my why and everything.
Thank you to the Waterloo Region Arts Awards, the Board and Academy for putting on this lovely night, a lot goes into making these events happen.
Thank you to Bangishimo and Fitsum for the nomination - it is really humbling to be nominated by two people who do so much for our community, that I respect so much and am honoured to call friends.
Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery, where I had my first art show … when I was in grade 2 for Expressions. That opened a door for me, and made that little version of myself feel so special. Thank you to KWAG for being a part of my artist origin story.
University of Waterloo Fine art. I wouldn’t be the artist or educator I am now without your program.
Waterloo Region District School Board / Cameron Heights / all of my students. It’s important that public education includes a well rounded arts focus, it develops essential critical thinking skills. Our world is complicated and those critical thinking skills are more important than ever.
CAFKA (Contemporary Art Forum Kitchener and Area) - talk about a team of superheroes. I am so grateful to be part of this team.
I love the art community and the most important thing is how it reinforces - when people show up, support each other, support everyone - good things can happen, brighter, better futures can be made. I really believe that the arts can change the world, that it needs to change the world.
Congratulations to all nominees, winners and everyone who shows up to support the arts - what a community!
Thank you!

Photo by Bangishimo

Photo by Bangishimo